The Madrid Health Card app now allows you to make an appointment at your health center: all the news that arrives

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The app to have all the health information in the Community of Madrid now also allows you to make an appointment for the doctor, among other new features.


All the autonomous communities of Spain have their own application to make an appointment and make different types of procedures in public health, although they are all different from each other. Now, the Madrid Health Card app which is through which people who live in the capital can do so, has been updated.

Important new features have been included in this, such as the possibility of making appointments directly from the app, something for which it was previously necessary to download another application independent of this one. The design of this has also been modernized to offer a better experience.

With this movement, it is possible that the Community of Madrid wants start unifying this application with the Health Appointment, since their functions are still similar. The new version of the Health Card is now available to any user who downloads it from Google Play.

Major improvements

The most noticeable change at first glance is in the design, since the app has changed its aesthetics, modernizing it and adopting a more rounded and current style. In addition, several new sections have been included, such as the Health Appointment section, which appears on the main screen and allows you to make an appointment without installing any other app.

In fact, you can also log in with the credentials of family members or dependents to carry out procedures such as make an appointment or check upcoming queries on your behalf. To log in, it is necessary to contact the patient service number so that they can provide a login code associated with the CIPA, an identifying number that appears on the health card.


Another interesting change that gives more versatility to the app is that it now shows information about the pharmacies that are open at any time and part of the Autonomous Community. On the other hand, it will be able to propose different hospital care centers depending on the time at which a search is made for the nearest open centers and whether they have emergencies.

The possibility of making video calls with doctors is also present in the application, for which it will first be necessary to make a specific appointment for this. Of course, it comes loaded with interesting new features that will make the app even more useful if possible.

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