How to change the function of the TV button on the remote on Android TV

How to change the function of the TV button on the remote on Android TV

A good number of televisions with the operating system Android TV They include a button on their remote control that allows access to the television channels that are received by the antenna. This makes it much easier to do the process, but you may want to change the function that has sets, since you use another way to achieve what we indicate. We show you how to get it.

Among the possibilities included in Android TV, there is exactly the one that allows us to make the change we are talking about. But, yes, since the section in question is a bit hidden, some may have doubts about how to get what we say. Well, we indicate Step by Step what you have to do to execute the change and that the Smart TV you have at home works exactly as you want. And, all this, without running any risk because no parameter that is essential for the television is modified.

How to change the function of the TV button on your Android TV remote

One of the things that you must be clear about is that, to carry out the specific process, you have to use the remote control, and that everything you modify will be completely reversible. In this way, if you are not convinced by the operation or you simply want to give the TV button another use, you can change this parameter again.

  • Turn on the Smart TV on which you want to change the settings. Once the operating system is fully started, with the controller go to the upper right area to select the gear-shaped icon to access Settings.
  • The settings menu is displayed in the right side area and, in it, you must select the Watch TV option with the remote control. In the new section that you see on the screen of your Android TV, you will see in the lower area an option called Direct access to the TV button. Click on it.
  • You will see that I could choose from a large number of possibilities, so you must be clear about what you want to do. Once you go to the corresponding place with the remote, press the central button and the choice will be effective.
  • Once this is done, you have finished and if you press the TV button on the remote, you will see that the desired action is carried out. Simple and effective.

A final detail: among the possibilities that exist are those of choosing a external image source such as HDMI ports. This enables direct access to a Blu-ray with the remote control; a cable tuner that you have from the operator; and you can even directly open the initial screen of players such as Amazon’s Fire TV or Google’s Chromecast.

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Brian Adam
Professional Blogger, V logger, traveler and explorer of new horizons.