So you can add Google widgets to the home screen of your iPhone

asi puedes anadir widgets de google a la pantalla de inicio de tu iphone.jpg
asi puedes anadir widgets de google a la pantalla de inicio de tu iphone.jpg

It is very common for Apple users who use iPhone to come to have a special affection for it to certain Google tools, applications and services which are used in Android devices.

Widgets are included within these Google tools, and fortunately for those people who currently use iPhone, now there is the possibility to customize the screens, both home and lock, with these Google widgetsso pay attention because next we will be talking about the subject in depth.

So you can add Google widgets to the lock screen of your iPhone

As you well know, Apple released iOS 16 in September 2022, and among the main functions that this new operating system brought, is the one to be able to add Google widgets to the iPhone lock screen. That said, yes or yes it will be necessary for you to have this latest version of iOS on your mobile device to be able to use the aforementioned function.

Then, in case you meet this requirement on your iPhonebelow you will find the steps you must follow to add these widgets to your lock screen:

– Long press on the lock screen of your iPhone.
– Once it is compressed, click on the button Personalize.
– Click now on the button Locked screen.
– Click on the widget area, which is located just below the clock.
– When these are displayed, search for Google applications and click on them to see the available options.
– Find the one you want to add, click on it and that’s it.

So you can add Google widgets to the home screen of your iPhone

Unlike the previous action where you have to have iOS 16 on your iPhone to put widgets on the lock screen, things change when it comes to placing widgets on the home screen. In fact, You only need to have iOS 14 or later versions on your device to be able to carry out this process.

It is also necessary to comment that you must have installed Google applications such as Gmail, Google Maps, Chrome, Drive or Google Photos, for example, since when these are downloaded, their respective widgets are also downloaded. That said, let’s go with the procedure to follow:

– With the mobile unlocked, hold down the home screen until the applications begin to move.
– Click on the button + displayed in the upper left corner.
– When all the available widgets are shown, go down until you come across those that are from Google.
– Click on the widget you want to add and that’s it.

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Brian Adam
Professional Blogger, V logger, traveler and explorer of new horizons.