iPhone 12 Apple asks its employees to remain silent about health risks

iphone 12 apple asks its employees to remain silent about health risks
iphone 12 apple asks its employees to remain silent about health risks

According to information from Bloomberg , following the ban on the sale of iPhone 12 in France, Apple reportedly asked its technical support teams to remain silent about the radiation level of the iPhone 12. If customers ask questions on this subject, they would be instructed to respond that they have nothing to communicate about the subject. The French teams would also have been instructed to reject any return or exchange request if the purchase is more than fifteen days old, that is to say beyond the period of the right of withdrawal.

The French procedure as a future model for Europe?

Agents must also state that iPhones undergo rigorous security testing if customers are concerned about the phone’s safety. Following this ban due to health risks , other European countries were sensitive to the French decision and consider that it could serve as a model for Europe in the future. For his part, the French Minister Delegate to digital Jean-Noël Barrot explained to AFP that Apple would implement an update on the iPhone 12 in the coming days to correct the situation.

iPhone 12 removed from sale: what is it really and why so late?

While Apple launches its new range of iPhone ( iPhone 15 ), in France the National Frequency Agency (ANFR) has asked the company to withdraw from the French market the iPhone 12 which was marketed since the end of 2020 until until today. A decision which comes from a level of exposure higher than the tolerated values ​​( DAS  for Speed of absorption specific) electromagnetic waves. The SAR of the iPhone 12 noted by the ANFR would be 5.74 watts by kg, or 1.74 W/kg more than the standard. Apple has fifteen days to comply, which can be done with a simple software update. After this period, the mobile will be prohibited for sale.

The iPhone 12 removed from the catalog since Tuesday September 12

The irony, ultimately, is that this is already the case, since the iPhone 12 is removed from the catalog with the arrival of the iPhone 15 . This standard, however, remains very protective, because according to scientific studies it would be necessary ten times more broadcasts so that it has an effect on health. With BFM , the ANFR justifies this late decision by the fact that its test schedule was busy due to the deployment of 5G .

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