Android 15 may allow Google to update NFC module through the Play Store

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Google can start provide updates to the NFC module completely independent of manufacturers from Android 15. According to developer Mishaal Rahman, the novelty is present in the source code of the Android Open Source Project (AOSP).

By choosing to provide these updates directly, Google ends up preventing security issues from persisting for a long time on NFC-equipped phones.

To provide these updates, the search giant must use the Play Store, something similar to what already happens with some Android “modules”, such as Bluetooth and Wi-Fi.

Image/playback: NFC is widely used to make smartphones pay using proximity.

Mishaal also points out that unfortunately the novelty will not be available on Android 14, since it was listed on the AOSP just this week. That is, there is no time for the feature to be implemented.

Therefore, the expectation is that only Android 15 can deliver the feature in a stable way.

Google also needs to negotiate with manufacturers and alert them to the policy change and this was not done within the Android 14 update schedule.

Anyway, it’s important to see that Google has “assumed” some important points of Android. This means that consumers are not extremely dependent on manufacturers who often end up “forgetting” their smartphones months after launch.

What do you think of the change? Is she positive? Tell us your opinion here in the comments field.

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