With this function, Google will tell you in seconds if an image has been created with AI

with this function google will tell you in seconds if.jpg
with this function google will tell you in seconds if.jpg


Artificial Intelligence has been developing in recent months to a level that, currently, in certain sectors it is increasingly complex to discern between the work carried out by a human being and that of certain generative artificial intelligence engines. A scenario that has forced companies like Google to take action on the matter: including functions that allow us to know if an image has been made by a person or if, on the contrary, an AI tool has been used.

During the last few months we have witnessed unstoppable growth in the development, and its subsequent application, of Artificial Intelligence. So much so that, in parallel with it, the number of applications aimed at the possibility of detecting the origin of certain works has also grown, such as images or texts. The objective is to limit possible fraud and offer better detection tools. However, most of them continue to present errors that prevent their results from can be considered valid.

Google announced last May that it was aware of this situation. And to do this, I was going to incorporate a new feature in searches carried out on its website with the aim of providing information related to this issue. Now, it seems that the time has come for this new functionality to be presented to the general public.


A new tool to detect the use of AI

From now on, every time we search for an image we will have the option to click on “About this image”, a new possibility that will appear if we click on the three points found in the upper right part of each photograph. Google will provide us with information about when this image was first seen online. And, in this way, it offers us an extra check to know if any image is being used out of context to cover the news of an event that may be occurring at any other time.

In addition to this information, it will also help to know if the image has not only been created by an AI tool, but will also detect if Artificial Intelligence has been used to improve some aspect of the photograph. Acting as an important filter when it comes to knowing if we are really faced with news that can be considered real or not.

A progressive release

Although, at the time of writing these lines, we still cannot use the functionality in Spain, it is expected that this new functionality will arrive in our country soon. Currently, Google has begun its rollout only for users located in the United States and They carry out searches in English. As the results are validated, it is expected that a massive deployment will progressively be carried out that allows us to access the same information anywhere in the world.

Through these types of actions, Google thus maintains a double perspective regarding generative Artificial Intelligence. On the one hand, developing its own tools that have been on the market for some time, as is the case of Google Bard, while on the other hand it continues to limit its scope with measures such as the one mentioned in this article. Offering information to the user in those cases in which the content has not been created by people and, to a greater or lesser extent, AI has been used in both the creation and editing processes.

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