Update WhatsApp to resolve an error that seriously affects your Android mobile

update whatsapp to resolve an error that seriously affects your android mobile
update whatsapp to resolve an error that seriously affects your android mobile

On certain occasions, like any application, WhatsApp is not exempt from possible errors that may occur with the launch of new functions that may fail and even hinder others that were already available. However, the messaging application has already gotten to work to solve an error that has recently arisen and that you have surely experienced in recent days. Next, we will tell you what it is and how to solve it.

You’ve probably had problems recently downloading files through WhatsApp and you’re not the only one. Several programmers of the beta version reported having found a fatal error that affected thousands of users who have an Android phone, so it should be solved as soon as possible. For this reason, a patch has been put into circulation that, in the first instance, eliminates and corrects the bug.

Apparently, this error corresponds to an interception when downloading files or documents within the WhatsApp chat, in such a way that an error message appears saying that it could not be downloaded. However, you should keep in mind that this incident occurs if you are part of the application’s beta program . But if it has also happened to you in the original app, you will have to wait a few days until it is available to everyone.

An error message when downloading files

As we have mentioned, WhatsApp is releasing an update for all those testers of the testing functions of the messaging tool with the largest number of users globally. This is the version for Android that can be downloaded directly from the Play Store, assuming you are one of the lucky ones to be part of the beta tester program . Although it is expected to be unlocked for all users very soon.

Thus, you may have encountered an error that affects the download of multimedia files, and it is not precisely that you have run out of space on your smartphone or that the application servers have crashed, but rather that It has taken place as a result of a specific problem that is already being resolved.

At first, those affected reported that PDF documents were the cause of the error, but after carrying out more tests they were surprised to see that it also occurred with all types of files . Without a doubt, this event entails a critical experience of not being able to share information that requires downloading and makes it impossible for conversations held with other contacts to function properly.

Specifically, the error message says: “The download was unable to complete. Please try again later” . In this way, WhatsApp has gotten to work to solve this warning as soon as possible and prevent it from appearing again.

If you want to be part of the WhatsApp testing program, simply visit this link and click on the blue become a tester button. Likewise, it should be noted that this application brings with it unpublished content to which you have access before anyone else, but many of its functions are unstable.


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