The Mobile World Congress 2024 will change everything: these are some of the great new features that will be presented

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the mobile world congress 2024 will change everything these are.jpg

Futuristic image of connections with the Mobile World Congress 2024 hashtag

There is less and less left. The Mobile World Congress 2024 will be held between February 26 and 29 and will be, as usual, the stage where many of the great technological developments of the year. To get started, we are going to tell you what we can expect from the event and what the main focuses of interest of this edition will be.

We are already preparing for one of the most important events of the year. Barcelona will witness, in a few days, an event that never disappoints. Thousands of attendees, including the world’s leading technology experts, will ensure that, once again, it is an event that leaves its mark. And, having said that, take note, because there will be news in mobile telephony, networks, artificial intelligence and much more.

New mobiles

Originally, the Mobile World Congress focused its main interest on new mobile phones and smartphones that, when shown in Barcelona, ​​went around the world. Over the years, the burden of responsibility that mobile phones had has been reduced, but it continues to be a segment of product that has enormous importance at the celebration of the Fira de Barcelona event.

One of the Xiaomi brand series 14 phones

As you can imagine, all all eyes are on Xiaomi, since rumors suggest that the company will show its new flagship. According to these forecasts, the Xiaomi 14 Ultra could become one of the most popular devices at the event in view of the quality of this series of terminals and the popularity of its manufacturer.

However, the presence of more smartphones is expected. Some of those that sound with superior strength include the new terminals from HMD, the Motorola Glory foldable, the OnePlus 12 and 12R devices, as well as the Nothing Phone 2a. Of course, they are not going to be the only phones that are expected to enter the scene, although what we can almost certainly rule out is that Samsung have some new galaxy. But, in any case, the rest of the brands will take care of presenting more than enough interesting devices to cover them.

More artificial intelligence

Many of the experts who are preparing to attend the Mobile World Congress 2024 say that AI will be the main topic of this edition of the event. The truth is that there are so many possibilities that this is the case that it is more obvious than an unexpected forecast. Because, over the last year, all the news related to artificial intelligence have been the ones that have made the most headlines in the media and the ones that have generated the most interest among users.

An AI robot giving a girl a flower

What will likely be explored more at the event will be the search for that more human and more understandable AI, a type of technology that will not be limited to being based on a base of algorithms. This poses both technological and legal challenges, as both governments and companies take into account the importance of managing generative AI carefully.

At the same time, it is expected that during MWC 2024 ways to leverage AI in an environment directly related to telecommunications will be explored. Artificial intelligence applied to networks, customer service centers or data centers will possibly change the way companies use artificial intelligence. In another order of things, special emphasis is placed on the importance of directing the use of AI towards accompanying people’s work and not towards a substitution. Although there will be drastic changes in many jobs or responsibilities, during the Barcelona event we will be able to better understand the future that awaits us with the support of AI.

Networks will continue to evolve

We are still far from 6G being the main topic of the conversation related to networks, but we will possibly have the opportunity to hear about it at the event. In any case, it is expected that the center of attention of the talks and news about networks will focus on the use of 5G and the different ways it will be used in the near future.

Virtual reality technology with combined use of holograms

AI, as we have said before, will also fully enter into the use of 5G as a resource that will help obtain the best of this type of connectivity. Other topics that could be discussed in relation to the use of this connection include the communications through new systems, such as holograms. The general strengthening of the networks, their speed and stability is not left out. But, above all, experts will continue to explore options in which 5G networks help everything around us to be connected and that users, increasingly, become accustomed to what that massive connectivity means.

New technological advances

Mobile phones, AI and 5G-6G networks are going to be three dominant pillars during the Mobile World Congress 2024. We are aware that these categories will take center stage at all times. However, the event to be held in Barcelona will also serve as a framework for the presentation of different innovative products that could change the lives of users in a significative way.

The Alef brand flying car flying through the skies

What can we expect from these technological advances? As usual, we expect variety and news for all tastes. We are going to see drones that will be equipped with AI, which will allow them to fly autonomously, protection systems that will analyze the skin in real time, technology that will connect the human brain with chips or even the flying car.

Of course, the Barcelona event will also have an impact on latest advances in virtual reality, augmented reality and hybrid devices. This technology stopped being a simple gaming resource a long time ago and is increasingly opening up more possibilities thanks to the advances of new devices. All of this, in one way or another, will have an impact during the Mobile World Congress 2024. As you can imagine, here we will talk to you about the great news that will be presented at the fair, so don’t forget to stop by our news to stay up to date with everything.

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