The latest from WhatsApp will make it possible to sign documents without leaving the application

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The new alliance between WhatsApp and Docusign will allow users to sign in a completely secure way, and will notify the other party when they have done so.

WhatsApp is the most used messaging application in Spain, and in recent times Meta, which is its owner, has added functions intended to grow the application such as searching for messages by date, audio rooms to talk or audios that can be shared. they destroy after having heard them.

With a view to making some procedures simpler, the company has teamed up with Docusign, the popular online document signing platformso that users have access to this function, without having to leave the app, which means that they can also benefit from its security protocols.

Thank you With this function it will be possible to considerably speed up the signing process, especially in those Situations where details are finalized using the messaging appwhich after all is the medium that many people prefer to speak.

Meta wants to make WhatsApp usable for more and more things, and one of them will be signing documents thanks to this alliance with Docusign. In addition, its integration into the messaging application will offer users other useful application options, such as sending notifications to notify when the other party has signed the document.

In a statement published by both companies, a Meta representative states that with this move they intend to facilitate the necessary functions so that many people can do business through the application. According to the information they have published, it will undoubtedly be a great help for this. And, in the tests that have been carried out, it is concluded that Documents sent via WhatsApp are signed seven times faster than those sent by email.

In terms of security, Docusign claims that it protects the information in documents by encrypting them and making them unable to be manipulated in any way, and end-to-end encryption and the rest of WhatsApp’s privacy features as well. They help make it a safe process.

At the moment, it is unclear when we will see the fruits of this alliance between the two companies. What is known is that WhatsApp Delivery, which is the name they have given to this option, will be offered as an add-on for Docusign customers in standard and superior mode. When signing, it will be enough for the person who created the document to be in these circumstances so that they can send it via WhatsApp.

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