TC Teach: How to change the Google Assistant language

TC Teach: How to change the Google Assistant language
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If you’ve been following us for a while, then you probably already know that in addition to keeping you informed, we’re always trying to add more knowledge to your everyday life, with tips and tutorials so you can get the most out of your devices and apps.

Today, continuing this routine, we present another tip; this time, for Google Assistant users! Check below how to change the language of the assistant on your Android or iOS smartphone and tablet.

How to change Google Assistant language

Considered one of the most competent options when it comes to a personal assistant, Google Assistant is natively available both on Android smartphones and tablets, as well as on branded speakers and televisions; in addition to being able to be installed on some Apple devices.

Anyone who has used the resource for a longer time here in Europe is tired of knowing that he clearly understands everything that is said in Portuguese. What you may not know is that it is possible to change the assistant’s language, talking to him in another language, and even add a second language, making him communicate in both languages.

While the first option can be great for people who are learning a second language, adding a second language to the assistant can be great for families whose members speak different languages ​​– making it more comfortable for everyone.

Here’s how it works: when you say “Ok Google” along with a voice command, the Assistant will respond in the language used right after “Ok Google”. But attention! The wizard will not be able to recognize more than one language in the same sentence. So saying something like “Ok Google, set a timer of ten minutes” will not work.

Check out in the following categories how to change the language of your Google Assistant and how to add a second language to the feature. The steps will be basically the same on Android and iOS.

Before performing the task, make sure your mobile device is connected to the same Wi-Fi network or linked to the same account used on the speaker or display.

  • How to change Google Assistant language
  • How to Add a Second Language to Google Assistant

How to change Google Assistant language

  • With your smartphone or tablet in hand, open the Google Home app;
    • The app can be downloaded using the card at the end of this article.
  • In the upper right corner of the screen, tap your profile picture;
  • Tap “Wizard Settings”;
  • On the new screen, tap “Languages”.

  • Tap the current language;
  • Choose a new language option.

You’ve learned how to change the current Google Assistant language! The Assistant language change will affect all Google Nest and Home devices linked to the account, but may take up to 24 hours to apply.

Some devices may not support all languages ​​in all regions.

How to Add a Second Language to Google Assistant

  • With your smartphone or tablet in hand, open the Google Home app;
    • The app can be downloaded using the card at the end of this article.
  • In the upper right corner of the screen, tap your profile picture;
  • Tap “Wizard Settings”;
  • On the new screen, tap “Languages”.

  • Tap “add a language”;
  • Choose a new language option.

You’ve learned how to add a language to Google Assistant! The Assistant language change will affect all Google Nest and Home devices linked to the account, but may take up to 24 hours to apply.

Some devices may not support all languages ​​in all regions.

As said, the assistant will not be able to recognize more than one language in the same sentence. So saying something like “Ok Google, set a timer of ten minutes” will not work. Basically, it will respond in the language that is spoken right after the “Ok Google”.

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