The era of bioseries is not yet over for Netflix after launching successful titles based on the lives of famous singers such as Luis Miguel, the...
The horror production called Winnie The Pooh: Blood and Honey which has the cute little bear, finally released its first official preview and after several images,...
Activision and Infinity Ward have brought a new teaser trailer for the campaign of Call of Duty Modern Warfare 2, the next chapter in the billion-dollar...
After the successful dumbbell that Adam Driver Y Noah Baumbach they did in 2019 in the feature film story of a marriagethis year, actor and director...
A woman with many unresolved traumas and a family burden, this is the new Argentine series Limbo coming soon to Star+. Starring the Spanish star clear...
One of the longest-running cooking reality shows in entertainment is Iron Chef, that over almost three decades has had dozens of versions around the world, but...
Athena (Athena in Spanish) will have its premiere at the Venice Film Festival on September 2 of this year, and in streaming will come through Netflix...
AppleTV+ announced more than a month ago the production and release date of Gutsythe highly anticipated eight-part documentary series that follows Hillary Rodham Clinton Y chelsea...
Forspoken is an open-world role-playing game that tells the story of a girl named Frey who obtains powers through a bracelet. Previously, it was revealed that...
Update (24/08/2022) – GS Striking Distance Studios, Inc and KRAFTON continue to release new details about The Callisto Protocol, a new survival horror game directed by...