Tag: dubliners


Elderly Dubliners call on builders to help them downsize to smaller homes

Two Dublin women are calling on a change to be made to housing planning so developers have to provide smaller dwellings designed for...

Hundreds of Dubliners take part in annual Darkness Into Light events

Hundreds of Dubliners were up at first light this morning to show their support and to raise funds for the annual Darkness Into Light...

Dubliners can now request for their streets to be cleaned with new online schedule

Dublin City Council's waste management services have launched an interactive online cleaning schedule. Dubliners can see when their area is being cleaned...

Dubliners asked to post back Census 2022 forms if not collected

Dubliners are from today being asked to post back their Census 2022 forms if they have not yet been collected. It comes as...

Prize-winning tenement museum encourages Dubliners to share memories and stories

14 Henrietta Street is opening on Tuesday to collect the stories and memories of Dubliners who once lived in tenement buildings. The prize-winning museum...

Dubliners warned to be vigilant after man accidentally buys stolen car

Dubliners who are looking to buy cars privately are being warned that there are individuals stealing cars and then selling them onto unsuspecting people. ...