Tag: console


Steam Deck Review: Valve bursts into the console landscape like an elephant in a china shop and gorgeous hardware

Accustomed to hardware that, even in the most complex cases, most of the time requires a preparation that is limited to "plug...

Aya Neo 2 will be the most powerful portable console on the market

Aya Neo 2 will be the new portable console from the Chinese specialist, the most powerful on the market with a processor AMD Ryzen...

The AyaNeo OLED handheld console will arrive with a Ryzen APU but without RDNA2

Although we already had some previous devices, after the recent launch of the Steam Deck, it seems that this market halfway between compact computers...

Playdate: review of the innovative hand cranked console

All about an insanely out-of-the-box project for a weird yellow toy console with more crank than any other. PlaydateReview: Multi ...