Optimal Frequency for Robotic Lawnmower Operation: Is Running It Daily Recommended

optimal frequency for robotic lawnmower operation is running it daily recommended
optimal frequency for robotic lawnmower operation is running it daily recommended

If you spend several hundred to thousands of euros on a garden tool, you probably want to use it as often as possible. But should a robotic lawnmower mow every day or is it enough to let it drive less often? We clarify.

These factors speak for and against daily mowing

  • The importance of daily mowing for robotic lawnmowers
  • The mulching system
  • Problems with less frequent mowing
  • Therefore, mowing less often can still make sense

The importance of daily mowing for robotic lawnmowers
In general, it makes sense to have a robotic lawnmower mow the lawn every day. This is due to the fact that the so-called “mulching system” of the device only works optimally if the cut lawn clippings are very short in order to weather them well.

The basic idea of ​​the robotic lawnmower is based on shortening the lawn every day in order to avoid having to take away the cut grass. If the lawn is mowed less often, the system no longer works as well.

The mulching system

If a robotic lawnmower is active every day, it only ever cuts off a small tip of the lawn, which quickly spreads over the turf and weathers. As a result, the robotic lawnmower does not have to collect the lawn clippings and the nutrients from the weathered lawn mulch are used directly as fertilizer.

Another advantage is that there is more space in the organic bin for other things and the lawn can be fertilized up to 40 percent less, as robotic mower Guru states . In addition, the overall appearance of the lawn improves because the lawn grows better and certain weeds are pushed back. Weeds do not like daily lawn mowing at all.

Problems with less frequent mowing

Mulching only works really well with very short grass clippings. Less frequent mowing can therefore cause problems here. Longer lawn clippings require more time to weather and can lead to thatch. A too thick layer of thatch impairs the aeration of the soil and the water permeability, which negatively affects the growth of the lawn.

If you only have the lawn mowed every other day instead of every day, it won’t dramatically deteriorate the lawn. However, the robotic lawnmower should then be able to mow the area completely in one day. A robotic lawnmower for small areas can quickly reach its limits here.

Therefore, mowing less often can still make sense
Of course, there are also reasons not to let the robotic lawnmower do its rounds every day. This can be useful under the following circumstances:

Sunday break

Even if you let your robotic lawnmower mow every day, it’s okay to take a break once a week to keep the Sunday rest. While some robotic lawn mowers are barely audible, others can be as loud as ordinary lawn mowers.

Mow less often when growth is slow
In certain situations, such as at the beginning and end of the growth phase or during dry and hot periods in summer, you can use your robotic lawnmower less often because the lawn grows more slowly during this time.

protect animals

Another aspect that could speak against daily mowing is the protection of animals and insects in the garden. Frequent mowing affects the livelihood of some small animals and insects, such as hedgehogs, spiders or bees.

It therefore makes sense not to use the robotic lawnmower for hedgehogs and insects every day, but at longer intervals. A possible solution would be, for example, to only let the robotic lawnmower work three to four days a week.

Note the weather

The weather conditions should also be taken into account when deciding whether to use the robotic lawnmower. It is advisable not to use the robotic lawnmower during thunderstorms or high humidity, as the damp grass sticks to the blades and is therefore not mowed optimally.

In addition, the robotic lawnmower can compact the soil when the lawn is wet, which in turn impairs ventilation and water permeability. In such cases, it is better to let the robotic lawnmower pause and postpone mowing to a later time when the lawn is dry again.

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