Nubank gives tips on how to protect yourself from the fake call center scam

Nubank gives tips on how to protect yourself from the fake call center scam
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Nubank released this Friday (10) several security guidelines for customers of the digital bank after the emergence of a new scam that has claimed victims throughout Europe. The fraud consists of a phone call from the scammers impersonating the company’s call center, a social engineering action that tries to induce the victim to share sensitive data.

This type of scam is quite common and known among account holders, however, there is still a significant number of people who still do not know how to protect themselves against this fraud. In summary, scammers use the name of the bank or fintech to obtain personal information – account number, access password, credit card, etc. — and transfers.

Criminals try to gain the victim’s trust by confirming some basic data, such as full name, date of birth and address, information obtained by them from leaks. This gives the victim a false sense of confidence, believing they are actually talking to a representative of the institution.

Approaches vary according to the victim’s profile, but the most common strategy is to create a sense of urgency by claiming that the victim’s card has been cloned. All these factors make people believe they are in a dangerous situation and end up passing their personal data on to fraudsters.

Faced with this, Nubank created a booklet with the following guidelines for customers:

  • Immediately hang up calls where the attendant asks you to confirm sensitive data (such as passwords or credit card number).

  • Be wary and be alert in calls that aim to update the app or internet banking. Usually these updates are made by the operating system itself.

  • Only use your phone’s official app store to update your apps, never links sent by third parties, even if they supposedly come from the bank. There are applications that give access to your device to third parties, that is, criminals can have access to all your passwords from an installation that you have allowed. So, redoubled attention here!

  • In case of doubts or distrust, end the call and seek contact with the financial institution’s call center immediately – through another telephone device. Important: call only the numbers available on the official channels of the institutions and never return to the suspicious number.

  • Never transfer money to an individual account or any other account you don’t know when supposed bank employees call you saying there was a problem or transaction failure.

  • If you suspect that your bank account has been hacked, try checking the last devices it was connected to to see if you recognize all the equipment they accessed. If you don’t recognize them, immediately disconnect them through another device.

  • Be alert for calls identified with mobile phone numbers, since most call centers use 0800 and 0300 numbers for identification and still be suspicious: criminals can use strategies to emulate the number of companies’ call centers.

  • Be wary of contacts made informally through the WhatsApp application, especially when they were not requested by you.

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Did you already know this false central blow? Did you know about these protection tips? Tell us, comment!

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