How to change Siri’s voice and gender

How to change Siri's voice and gender
how to change siris voice and gender.jpeg

People with devices made by Manzana they also have access to the company’s voice assistant features, siri. This way of interacting with the system of iphone, iPad and other company products allow people to assign some tasks to the cell phone without having to touch the screen.

To the ability of the Apple assistant to synchronize with the services of the home smart of the company and to react to commands by means of a voice with which one can “converse”, but rather the voice of the assistant It can be customized to match different tones, accents, and even genres of voice to suit the users, who can also set the language of the voices. answers of voice of software.

For users to access personalization of the voice of siri in their devices be iphone either iPadyou need to follow these steps:

– Enter the application settings o Configuration on any device.

– Locate the section corresponding to Siri and Search.

– Among the options, you can find the Language and select the one that is of interest to the user. It is preferable that this be the same as the system language Of the device.

Apple's Siri. (photo: Today at Apple)

Apple’s Siri. (photo: Today at Apple)

– After finding the function voice of siripeople can select any of the types that are available and activate it.

However, this is not enough for Siri’s responses to also be of voice. Therefore, for this function occurs continuously needs to be activated. Within the Siri and Search feature, you can find a switch called Activate on Hear “Hey Siri”.

Once this has been activated characteristicusers will be able to actively use voice feedback to execute commands with the assistant Manzana.

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Which commands trigger Siri Voice Responses

Because the assistant Manzana is actively listening to the voice of users to identify the call “hey siri”, also has the ability to obey specific commands that request to find information, use applications or perform phone callsAmong other functions.

For example, if a user wants to check the weather forecast, they can use the command “Hey Siri, what’s the weather today?” to receive a weather status. Others commands available are:

– Hey Siri, put music of [artista o canción]

– Hey Siri, call [nombre del contacto]

– Hey Siri, send him a message to [nombre del contacto] saying [mensaje]

– Hey Siri, how do you say [palabra o frase] in [idioma]?

Siri can activate and use any application that is installed on an iPhone

Siri can activate and use any application that is installed on an iPhone

– Hey Siri, how much is it [cantidad] in [moneda]?

– Hey Siri, how do you get to [lugar]?

– Hey Siri, remind me [actividad o evento] at [hora]

– Hey Siri, put the timer of [periodo de tiempo]

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On the other hand, the activity of siri can be automatic rather than called by users if it is configured to run a reading of the notifications for users to stay up-to-date with respect to the messages or interactions that occur in applications selected and installed within their devices.

To have this configuration activated, what must be done is to follow these steps:

– Open the application settings o Settings and select the Notifications option.

– Within this section you can see the Announce function notifications which is in the Siri section.

– In the new screen it will only be necessary to slide the switch that is on the right side of the option Announce notifications.

– After enabling this function, the iphone It will allow you to choose the applications from which Siri will announce notifications.

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Brian Adam
Professional Blogger, V logger, traveler and explorer of new horizons.