Google search receives changes in search filters for web, Android and iOS versions

Google search receives changes in search filters for web, Android and iOS versions
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Google is bringing changes to its search engine that promises to help users get more accurate results in their searches. The website 9to5Google noticed that the desktop version now displays suggested filters that allow you to perform more detailed searches or discover new information about a specific topic.

Filters are identified by a plus sign (+) preceding the suggested term. You can find them in a carousel that also includes the classic Google search categories, such as “Images”, “News”, “Videos” and “Maps”. There is a new “All Filters” menu that will list all recommendations in one place. Check out:

New filters for the web version (above) and old search page design (below) (Images: 9to5Google)

The new feature uses artificial intelligence to detect the subject being sought. For example, when searching for dinner ideas, Google may display filters like “quick”, “healthy” or “vegetarian” to add more detail to the search.

Parallel to this, Google is making changes to its app for Android and iOS. Search filters will no longer have icons and will now be displayed in text only. This design choice can cause more filters to be shown on the screen without the user having to swipe to find more recommended options.

Old version for Android (left) and new version with changes (right) (Images: 9to5Google)

The changes appear to be made server-side, so they should roll out to all users gradually. Another novelty that big tech is testing is support for Nearby Share in Windows, allowing quick sharing of files, documents, photos, videos and other data between the cell phone and the PC.

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