Bean coffee makers: Which coffee machine with grinder for a little black coffee like at the counter?


Filter, capsule or pod coffee maker? Unless you make no concessions on the flavor of your nectar and prefer to grind your coffee yourself to reveal its richness and aromas? Since 2020 and the various confinements due to Covid-19, but also in the face of the explosion of teleworking , the French are increasingly favoring automatic coffee machines with integrated grinder. Their sales would have increased fivefold in five years. Ground coffee, tasty coffee?

Firstly, a question of comfort: these machines allow you to make tailor-made coffees. Then a question of budget: more expensive to purchase than capsule coffee makers, those with an integrated grinder are however quickly amortized. With them, a coffee costs between 10 and 20 euro cents (like for pods), where a capsule coffee costs between 30 and 60 cents. Finally (and above all?) an environmental question: no waste to report with each drink, the ground coffee can be recycled in the apartment’s plants or a composter. 20 Minutes plays the barista role and offers you its selection to get you down.

To grind without breaking the bank: CM6-1-5ST, from AEG

A coffee maker with grinder at a low price? Yes, it exists! This entry-level model is barely more expensive than a good conventional filter coffee maker. And don’t be unworthy.

The AEG CM6-1-5ST offers three grind sizes (fine, medium, coarse) with, in addition, the possibility of selecting an “aroma” function which reduces the infusion speed. The goal: for the ground coffee to release even more aromas. Finally, a programmer allows you, using the LCD screen on the front, to program the time at which the coffee will be started, up to 24 hours in advance. Early risers will appreciate it! 139 euros.

Our opinion: Here, no espresso on the program, but filtered coffee and the possibility of making up to ten cups of freshly ground coffee. Coffee that can stay hot for forty minutes before the device goes into standby mode. Definitely recommended for a small office or for teleworking.

To grind before brewing: Artisan, from KitchenAid

Do you find coffee makers with integrated grinders too bulky? And don’t want to replace your coffee maker that still works well? The KitchenAid Artisan coffee grinder measures only 15 cm wide and will allow you to exude the bouquet of your favorite coffees by grinding the exact volume of beans you need at that moment.

For a large volume of coffee or for a simple espresso, the device adapts: simply insert the container provided, or the filter holder (54 or 58 mm) into its base. Select the size of your grind, its grinding time, and its precise dosage: no less than 70 settings are possible, to adjust its sound on screen. 249 euros.

Our opinion: Kitchen Aid’s good idea is to offer a universal grinder, which can appeal to coffee fans who have a coffee maker with a paper filter or a filter holder. The device can thus play the perfect complement for a coffee maker of the brand whose aesthetic and color it will embrace (six available) or for a model from any other manufacturer.

For unvarnished coffees with filter: Epos, from Melitta

More Slow Coffee than espresso? But don’t want to sacrifice the flavor of your nectar? With Epos , Melitta offers a device (357 x 311 x 359 mm) combining grinder and coffee maker.

For the first, it is possible to determine the fineness of the coffee to be ground, with three flavor intensities to choose from. For the second, a 360° rotating shower head is responsible, during the infusion of the coffee, for perfectly homogenizing the flow of water over the grounds. Coffee that can be kept hot for up to 40 minutes on the appliance’s hotplate. 319 euros.

Our opinion: Black and gold, Epos is a beautiful device with an extremely careful design. From two to eight cups, it allows you to combine a filter coffee maker and a grinder in a single machine. A duo that offers all the advantages of a tailor-made, freshly ground coffee.

For easy, tactile espressos: EP3226/40, from Philips

Want a coffee maker with a grinder without necessarily feeling like a real barista and spending too much? Offering four types of coffee (classic espresso, lungo espresso, classic coffee and Americano), the Philips EP3226/40 (246 x 371 x 433 mm) is simply controlled from its touch screen on the front. This also allows you to select the number of cups to serve (one or two), but also to add the strength of the coffee, its length and its temperature.

Its pressure of 15 bars, its ceramic grinder (more resistant) are important quality criteria here. To facilitate maintenance, Philips suggests inserting a filter into the removable water tank. Called Aquaclean (two copies are provided), it allows you to “push back” the necessary descaling deadline to 5,000 cups. 499 euros.

Our opinion: Offering good value for money, this machine, although with limited functions (it does not allow you to make milk drinks with a dedicated milk jug, but only to froth milk with its steam nozzle), has sufficient arguments to seduce espresso lovers. Please note, like all coffee makers with a grinder, its removable coffee block requires weekly maintenance with running under clean water.

For 100% personalized nectars: Rivelia, De’Longhi

Doesn’t everyone at home like the same type of coffee? Rather rich or acidic coffee? Thanks to its two removable grain bins, the De’Longhi Rivelia adapts to all palates.

With a pressure of 19 bars, it has a 3.5-inch touch screen offering access to eight pre-programmed drinks (single or double espresso, lungo, Americano… up to cold coffee), the device also offers the possibility to memorize up to four user profiles so that everyone can start making their favorite coffee with a single press, taking into account its intensity, length and temperature. A “Coffee routine” function even allows you to prepare a particular coffee according to the time of consumption (Morning, Noon, Later). 799 euros.

Our opinion: The animations on the screen of this coffee maker (which would have deserved to be tilted) are a bit gimmicky, but the device is well designed, with a reasonable size (245 x 430 x 385 mm) and with functions that can meet demanding expectations. Coffee lovers are not left out, a hatch allows you to use previously ground coffee, purchased in packets.

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