Android Auto 11.5 now arrives on your mobile: all the news and how to update

android auto 115 now arrives on your mobile all the.webp.webp.webp
android auto 115 now arrives on your mobile all the.webp.webp.webp

New week, new version of Android Auto. Google just updated the app to the version 11.5 stableso that all users will receive it as another update through Google Play, without depending on beta programs nor APK.

Android Auto 11.5 arrives on our phones exactly two weeks after the last stable version. As usual, we have tested Android Auto 11.5 in search of news.

Update now to Android Auto 11.5

Google continues updating Android Auto like clockwork, on time every week, even though new versions do not always translate into new features that users can try on their mobile phones. And Android Auto 11.5 looks like one of these versions where the changes go inside.

In Android Auto 11.5 we will see highlighted the applications that cannot be used with the car running with a parking P badge. This has already happened since Android Auto 11.4, although taking into account that Google has changed its mind on the matter several times (previously a dot was shown and then it changed to the car icon), the fact that it is maintained is already a novelty in itself . Maybe they are finally satisfied with the result.


Android Auto 11.5

The rest of Android Auto 11.5 is the same, although this does not mean that there are no changes. An example of this is that Google is now activating AI summaries and new versions of the application could include changes or corrections In this regard, they are invisible to those of us who do not have it activated yet.

What we still have no news about is some news that is still pendingas Zoom support or the redesign settings with Material You (still available only for some) or the setting for change the app that opens at startup which, as far as we know, has not yet been activated for anyone.

At the moment we have not found any other changes in Android Auto 11.5, although we cannot rule out that internal corrections or improvements are also included. These are the steps to update to Android Auto 11.5:

In Xataka Mobile | How Android Auto works, the system for cars that does not run in the car

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