Original phrases and messages to congratulate Christmas 2022 by WhatsApp


congratulations christmas whatsapp

ohMerry Christmas to all ADSLZone readers! That time of the year has arrived when our WhatsApp is saturated with so many congratulations and reminds us that we probably haven’t sent ours yet.

If you want congratulate your friends or family, but you can’t think of anything that you haven’t sent in previous years, below you will find a selection of beautiful phrases that will bring out a tear and original congratulations that will make you laugh.

Pretty phrases

May this Christmas turn every wish into a flower, every pain into a star, every tear into a smile, and every heart into a sweet home. Merry Christmas!”

“Christmas recipe. Let’s put together several measures of illusion: a pinch of friendship and a gesture of tenderness. Let’s bake the mixture with patient spirit, surround it with laughter, lights and songs. And finally, plate with lots of love. Happy Holidays!”

“To all my friends who are near and far, may Christmas fill you with happiness today and forever.”


“May the reunions be sweet, the laughter abundant and the gifts meaningful this Christmas.”

“Laugh, dream and get excited. Merry Christmas!”

“May Christmas bring love to your hearts, renewed hope and joy in abundance.”

“Blessed be the date that unites the whole world in a conspiracy of love. Merry Christmas”

“Let’s not lose the illusion of Christmas, because those who are no longer there were the ones who taught us to live it.”

“May love be the main ingredient of this Christmas and the year that begins, Merry Christmas!”

“This congratulations is in a box of peace, full of joy, wrapped in love, signed with a smile and sent with a kiss.”

“The best gift you can give me this Christmas is your FRIENDSHIP. Thanks for being my friend!”

“If my smile serves as an ornament for you at Christmas, count on it; If my hand helps you, you have both, and if my heart brings you happiness, it’s all yours.”

“Christmas is not a season, it is a feeling. Merry Christmas!”

call santa claus christmas

“Here’s to a friendship longer than Christmas lights.”

“Your friendship is the best gift I can ask for for Christmas. You will never miss mine either!”

“Time of lights, snow and parties. It’s time to make amends and tie up loose ends, finish what you started and hope all dreams come true.

“Friends are like stars, you don’t always see them, but you know they’re there. I wish you a happy Christmas”.

“May Christmas bring back the illusions of childhood, the pleasures of youth and the tranquility of home. Merry Christmas!”

“Surely the best Christmas decoration is a big smile and I hope this message gets you a huge one.”

“I’ve made it a point to send you something super special for Christmas, but I have a little problem: how do you wrap up a big hug and kiss?”

original congratulations

“May Christmas fill your heart with warmth, because if it fills it with cold I will not turn on the heating”

“Merry Christmas, may the star of Bethlehem guide you towards your dreams… but you pay for the light”

christmas gifts 2020

“Merry Christmas. I hope your smile is as big as the gas bill.”

“Christmas is special especially for children, but adults can also enjoy it… until the bills arrive.”

“I have thought so much about your gift that now it is too late to buy it. Merry Christmas too”

“This Christmas I wanted to be original and send you something funny, intelligent, unique, precious, tender, fun… but I realized that it didn’t fit on your screen.”

“Maturity is when your parents stop giving you funny gifts and give you socks.”

“Happy Saturnalia!”

“I’m a millionaire! He has not touched me or the reimbursement, but a wise man said that the wealth of a human being is measured by the quantity and quality of his friends ”.

“I am going to write to Santa Claus to tell him how bad we have been and that it has been very worth it. Merry Christmas friend!”

“Don’t forget to close your eyes and ask me as a Christmas present”

“The best gifts this Christmas free of inflation: to your enemy, sorry; Who do you love, sweetheart? to your son, a good example; to yourself, value and to life, passion. Merry Christmas!”

“If you want one year of prosperity, plant wheat. If you want ten years of prosperity, rent your apartment. If you want a life of prosperity, sow friends. Merry Christmas!”

“The reindeer, the elves, the shepherds, the mule and the ox, the virgin and the baby Jesus, the cousins ​​and the nephews and I wish you… Merry Christmas!”

“Hello everyone. As you have to be original at Christmas, I have decided to write this message exclusively for you/you/you. Merry Christmas”.

“Where are you? We are looking for you everywhere. You have to go back. You are too important. You know very well that the Bethlehem cannot be made without the Donkey!!”

“Christmas is cancelled! You told Santa you were good and Santa laughed his ass off.”

“‘Merry Christmas! Don’t play nice at this time of the year, you’re already late.

Christmas days

“Neither gold nor myrrh. I want a Christmas with you and a couple of beers!”

“That the ‘JO, JO, JO’ becomes ‘HA, HA, HA’. Merry Christmas!”

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Brian Adam
Professional Blogger, V logger, traveler and explorer of new horizons.