Samsung receives international cloud security certifications

Samsung receives international cloud security certifications

In a reality more dependent on cloud technologies, user data security becomes one of the priorities of the main big techs and their corresponding services. If good results can be rewarded with recognition, Samsung has reason to celebrate now that it has received two international standard certifications in terms of cloud security —the ISO 27001, referring to information security management, and ISO 27017, a security standard developed for providers and users of cloud services🇧🇷

Certifications have been established by the International Organization for Standardization and certified by the British Royal Society of Standards. According to the company in an official statement, the two standards were obtained simultaneously

The fact is celebrated as proof of the company’s ability to manage the system and protect information in its private cloud, operated for services such as software updates.

To obtain this ISO 27001 certification, for example, the candidate must meet 133 management standards in 11 categories, including information protection policy and information access controls. Likewise, ISO 27017 proves that service information is protected in accordance with international standards.

“Samsung Electronics has gone to great lengths to protect its cloud technology and strengthen its security features,” Ahn Gil-joon, vice president of mobile platforms center at Samsung Electronics’ MX division, said in a note. “We will continue to work hard to make that happen.”

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