For these reasons, it is better to have an Apple Watch to take care of your health than to opt for a watch with Wear OS


While there are some very good Wear OS (Android operating system for smartwatches) smartwatches on the market, it is understood that the Apple Watch continues to dominate the sector with a large advantage.

In fact, there is a really important section that it is much more polished and worked on Apple smartwatchesmuch more than in terminals with Wear OS, and it is about health care.

Apple Watches are well known for “saving” the lives of hundreds of thousands of people around the world, this thanks to the different health tools that they bring with them. For example, a few days ago a case was made known that NBC Chicago showed, where a citizen named Thomas Ficho suffered a fall in the basement of his house, and although nothing bad happened to him, it did last about 5 minutes in process the blow and leave the place.

What’s so interesting about this? Well, the thing is that when he was able to leave the site, there was an attentive policeman in the yard who asked him if he needed any help or even if he needed the paramedics to be called. The policeman was able to get there to help the person because the Apple Watch Series 5 that he was carrying, detected that Thomas suffered a fall and immediately called the authorities.

Complete and improved health features on Apple Watch

This is made possible by state-of-the-art accelerometer and gyroscope tools, which they are able to detect heavy falls and then call the authorities in case of an emergency. For this to happen, after the fall occurs, the watch analyzes the movement and acceleration of the wrist before the impact.

So for this point the watch will first launch an alert that will last 60 secondsand if the person does not deactivate it in that period of time, immediately afterwards it will call the emergency services so that they can help the person.

Unfortunately, this function as perfect as it is in the Apple Watch, it cannot be located in smartwatches with Wear OS. and although these also have great health tools such as heart rate sensors and oximeterthe reality is that Apple Watch are known for having more precise sensors and, in general, are considered more complete in this specific section compared to watches based on Android (Wear OS).

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Brian Adam
Professional Blogger, V logger, traveler and explorer of new horizons.