He went back! Microsoft plans to release future ZeniMax games on PlayStation and Nintendo Switch

 He went back!  Microsoft plans to release future ZeniMax games on PlayStation and Nintendo Switch
he went back microsoft plans to release future zenimax games.jpeg

When Microsoft concluded the acquisition of ZeniMax Media, a company that also encompasses Bethesda’s properties, the Redmond giant revealed that it intended to transform the company’s future games into Xbox ecosystem exclusives, with the first examples being Redfall, Hi-Fi Rush, Starfield and The Elder Scrolls VI.

Apparently, the company founded by Bill Gates decided to change its mind and recently stated that it hopes to launch several future ZeniMax titles on Xbox or PlayStation.

Microsoft and Activision this week filed their own findings in opposition to the US Federal Trade Commission, which is seeking an injunction to block the merger between the companies.

As reported by Florian Mueller on Twitter, the document includes a number of interesting information for players. Arguably the most intriguing finding is that Xbox (Microsoft) apparently expects ‘various future ZeniMax titles to release on PlayStation and/or Nintendo platforms’.

Given that the UK FTC and CMA have used ZeniMax as an example of how Microsoft can also turn Activision Blizzard properties into Xbox exclusives, it seems that the Redmond giant has decided to go back on its words to get the final approvals.

Looking at ZeniMax’s release schedule, it’s possible that the alleged Quake II remaster (to be officially confirmed during QuakeCon 2023) is cross-platform. Other options include the Indiana Jones game in development at MachineGames (with help from Todd Howard, director of Elder Scrolls and Fallout as executive producer); Lucasfilm and Disney may have asked to make the game for the widest possible audience.

In addition, the many other studios that belong to ZeniMax have yet to announce their projects for the future, but it seems that Redfall’s low reception also contributed to this change in Microsoft’s decisions, with the fact being registered in court.

As always, we can only wait to find out what will happen in the future of the video game industry.


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