IGTV Introduces Ads for Creator Content Monetization, in Case You Were Enjoying Uninterrupted Content


Do you remember when adverts meant you’d pop to the kitchen for a drink and a snack? Many of us were outraged that they appeared louder than the shows, which was invasive. Now the adverts pause in disgust if I look away, like Orwell’s telescreens.

One of my chief grievances with Instagram was IGTV. As I scrolled through my heavily curated feed interspersed with sponsored content and adverts, I would on occasion, click to watch someone’s content on IGTV. To my horror, however, I was able to enjoy the content without adverts (on the off chance the content creator wasn’t doing a sponsored product review or proudly announcing the episode’s sponsor.)

Now, I don’t have a problem with adverts per se — really I don’t. And IGTV’s advent of adverts strengthens the platform’s viability for content creators who need to make money to continue making content. That is essentially what this update aims to do: allows users of Instagram Live and IGTV to include adverts of which a revenue share is delivered to the creator. Jim Squires, Instagram’s VP of Business said ““We’ve seen interest [among Instagram users] in support for online creators. It resonates quite well with fans, who are engaged in and invested in creators.” Squires is also referring to the new digital badge purchasing system to support your favorite Instagrammer.

My issue is just how pervasive ads are on Facebook’s platforms and that they force you to consume them. They’re in all feeds, before all videos, down the sides of pages, in the middle of videos, wedged between people’s stories, and just about any other piece of digital real estate that can fit something. What’s more, if a Facebook advert begins playing and I click on my second monitor, it will automatically pause until my eyes are back where it wants them. We’re perhaps 12 months away from Facebook scanning my retina’s position and pausing if I blink for too long.

Anyway, if you’re a content creator who uses IGTV, good luck to you — a new revenue stream is on its way. 

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Brian Adam
Professional Blogger, V logger, traveler and explorer of new horizons.