Xbox Series X: Microsoft disables online check for Xbox One discs

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xbox series x microsoft disables online check for xbox one.jpg

In an update for the current Xbox consoles, Microsoft has defused online DRM: Games from Xbox One discs now also start without an online check.

Microsoft’s Xbox Series X can now run games from Xbox One discs without first performing an online check. This was confirmed by Microsoft developer Eden Marie on Twitter. The change was therefore introduced in update 2208, which has been distributed for the Xbox consoles since September 6th.

The change will allow disc games originally released for Xbox One to be played on Xbox Series X without an internet connection. Before the update, Microsoft enforced an online check – so you couldn’t start the games without an internet connection. Unlike the Series X, the Xbox Series S doesn’t have a disc drive.

The online query was about compatibility checks, Marie writes on Twitter. Usually a configuration file is downloaded. According to an internal data analysis by Microsoft, this check is not necessary for most Xbox One discs, explains Marie. Some games still require an online update to get the best gaming experience.

The change does not affect discs for other consoles: the data that is on discs for older Xbox consoles cannot be read by the Series devices – instead it must be downloaded online. Discs from the current Series era could previously only be played offline.

Microsoft’s current Series game consoles are still available at the prices they were on the market almost two years ago: While Sony added 50 euros to its Playstation consoles in Europe, Microsoft has so far stuck to its recommended price. However, future increases in prices cannot be ruled out: a spokesman for WindowsInsider magazine said the business climate is being evaluated on an ongoing basis.

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Brian Adam
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