The United States is facing the most delicate economic moment since the 2008 recession, once the pandemic is over, but against the backdrop of the war...
The Microsoft team is testing a new tool that will make it easier for users to review and sign documents during meetings. This will save them...
An interesting leak has let us see all the specifications of Surface Gaming Laptop, a new team that Microsoft will present in October and that, as...
Today is when there is more harmony between Microsoft and Google, and that is not a surprise to anyone. This allows certain doors to opensuch as...
Microsoft has started releasing a new update in the stable version of Edge (105.0.1343.27) that brings the Wallet feature to browser users, allowing them to save...
Microsoft is returning the money to those who pre-ordered Stalker 2, as the game has had its release delayed indefinitely. Announced in 2020, Stalker 2 is...
Microsoft has released a new update for PowerToys, an application that brings a variety of tools to customize your Windows experience. With version 0.62.0, big tech...
Microsoft has just released an emergency fix to fix the issue that prevented users from signing in to Windows 11 with their newly added Microsoft accounts...
A bug in Windows 11 is preventing users from logging into the system after adding a new Microsoft account to the OS. The issue may appear...
Microsoft has begun testing new changes to the Xbox homepage that are expected to roll out in 2023. The changes include tweaks to the layout and...