How to create a radio station with YouTube Music

How to create a radio station with YouTube Music
1677038264 how to create a radio station with youtube music.webp.webp

Google launched a new update for users of the video platform with which they can create custom stations based on specific artists and adjust the algorithm on the songs they decide to play on the platform.

Youtube music added the function “radio buildr” which can be accessed by scrolling to the “Your Music Tuner” section of the YouTube Music home page in the app iOS either Android.

By creating a custom station you will be able to select up to 30 artists and choose whether you only want to listen to music from them or extract music from similar artists. Also the user will be able to instruct him to play songs with which he is familiar, as well as new songs for the person or a combination of the two.

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YouTube started testing this feature in 2022 and will now remain on the platform.

Now in YouTube Music the person will be able to control what they want to listen to, and they will not have to manually configure a playlist.

Now in YouTube Music the person will be able to control what they want to listen to, and they will not have to manually configure a playlist.

mixing stations

The platform had different algorithm-driven mix stations, and now the person will be able to control what they want to listen to, and not have to manually set up a playlist.

You can use the feature that will be available anywhere you can get YouTube Music, whether you’re a subscriber or a free user, according to Google spokesman Paul Pennington. An option that is similar to what you already do Spotify either Apple Music where you can also select the favorite artists and the playlist of songs that you want to listen to within these platforms.

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Shakira came to establish herself as one of the most popular artists by occupying the sixth place of the most popular with 174 million cumulative views on YouTube.
Shakira came to establish herself as one of the most popular artists by occupying the sixth place of the most popular with 174 million cumulative views on YouTube.

Latino artists leading YouTube

Latin American artists on YouTube are increasing their views, which means climbing the charts of music trends both in the US market and globally.

However, the sound of the region’s artists is also recognized by platform users, as it has allowed many of these songs to be located within the top 10 in certain markets such as GCalifornia Border Group, bizarre, Nathanael Cano among others.

The song “baby gimme” of the Frontier Group and Regulated Force has come to occupy the number three position on the list of most popular songs in the United States with a cumulative total of 5.82 million views in that country and more than 9 weeks on this list.

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As far as South American artists are concerned, they are represented by the urban music producer bizarrein addition to Shakira, whose collaborative track known as the “BZRP Music Sessions #53″ is already ranked for the sixth consecutive week in the second place of songs that are trending in the world, although it is currently down to 14th place on the US chart.

Likewise, Shakira came to establish itself as one of the most popular artists by occupying sixth place with 174 million accumulated views. Bizarrap is also on the list but several places lower (20) with a number of reproductions greater than 98 million.

YouTube Music is running tests to accommodate karaoke on its platform.

YouTube Music is running tests to accommodate karaoke on its platform.

Karaoke on the platform

Youtube music is carrying out tests to adapt a tool that allows to see the lyrics of the song at the same time that the artist is singing it. Now, the music app is testing this new display format much closer to a karaokealthough without the options to lower the volume of the artist’s voice, as other platforms have done.

The letters will appear on the left side of the image of the singer or the album to which the production belongs, this same design will be seen as a background image although faded. While the type of font for the letter is the one that manages the rest of the application interface, giving priority to the phrase that is being pronounced at that moment.

For now, it is not clear when this feature will arrive and if at the time of confirmation it will be added to all users or become a benefit for those who pay the premium subscription.

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Brian Adam
Professional Blogger, V logger, traveler and explorer of new horizons.