The Last of Us: series will show story of canceled DLC with Ellie’s mother

The Last of Us: series will show story of canceled DLC with Ellie's mother
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With just two episodes aired, The Last of Us’ live-action series is already proving to be a real success, with many looking forward to what’s to come in the future.

In addition to faithfully adapting the story of the games, the series also introduces new features that complement the narrative. In a recent interview, Neil Druckmann, one of the creators of the series, revealed that the plot can address the story of Ellie’s mother, who almost became a DLC in video games.

From the beginning, The Last of Us has been about Joel and Ellie’s journey. While we’ve seen quite a bit about Joel’s life before the pandemic, we can’t say the same for Ellie, as the video games show very little of the girl’s journey before she meets Joel.

In a recent interview, Neil Druckmann, one of the creators of the franchise, revealed that the game almost received a DLC focused on Anna, Ellie’s mother, but he ended up not being able to fit it into the project.

I wrote a short story after the game was released, it was going to be an animated short film, but it didn’t work out. Later, we almost managed to turn it into DLC.

Photo: reproduction

Now that the series allows you to extend the narrative further, Druckmann says he discussed with Craig Mazin (another creator of the series) the possibility of showing Anna in the plot and he was very excited about it. To the delight of fans, Anna will be played by none other than Ashley Johnson, the actress who gives life to Ellie in the games.

We want to bring her to life in the most beautiful and poetic way possible, with Ashley Johnson playing Anna.

In the last episode of the series, we saw Ellie briefly commenting on her parents and saying that she is an orphan. Apparently, it shouldn’t take long for us to see this flashback to the girl’s past.

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