Android Auto has been completely renewed: all the functions that have arrived in 2023 (and those we expect in 2024)

android auto has been completely renewed all the functions that.webp.webp.webp
android auto has been completely renewed all the functions that.webp.webp.webp

Just a few days before the end of 2023, one of the years that brought the most changes to Android Auto, it’s time to review these developments to get a glimpse. how Google plans to evolve it over the next 12 months. Although it may seem more static than a tow truck on New Year’s Eve, the truth is that 2023 was not bad for the vehicle infotainment system. Within what fits.

Android Auto is one of the Google applications that receives the most updates, usually one or two stable updates per month. And that’s without talking about the betas, which The development version started in 2023 with the accelerator pressed. Unfortunately, it is not that all this effort is evident in changes visible to the user: installing an update on the mobile usually results in some disappointment when not seeing palpable new features. Luckily, that doesn’t always happen.

A year of timid news and several major changes

Android Auto Coolwalk Vertical

Given the enormous security implication that Android Auto has, and because of the enormous variety of brands and manufacturers that concern both cars and mobile phones, Google is refreshing the application very lightly. And of course, it seems that with each update that is released, Android Auto remains the same as if it had not been updated; beyond the usual bug fixes and stability improvements.

Yes, Android Auto is not equal in new options to the number of new updates, that is undoubtedly. Even so, we can do a good review of everything that 2023 brought by rescuing a good number of anniversaries. These are the ones that seem most notable to us.

Google Maps saves where the car is parked

Such a useful option was missing in its car system, and it was one of the most recent innovations: Google Maps saves the place where the car was parked with Android Auto. Simply click on “Save Parking” in the floating window that appears when you arrive at your destination.

Coolwalk is finally the default interface

We can clearly say that Android Auto changed completely in 2023: although some lucky people received the interface change at the end of 2022, it was during the first months of 2023 when Coolwalk altered the interface forever. Adapted to all types of screens, with improved touch navigation and a much more current design. It has been a great advance.

Changing colors in Google Maps for Android Auto

Google changed the colors in the Android Auto map interface to paint the roads blue instead of the old yellow. It also gave more emphasis to greens on maps and blue on roads without too much traffic.

Song Search

Searching for songs in Android Auto

Android Auto 10.2 introduced a new button to search for songs with one tap. By clicking on the magnifying glass, the assistant appears if the car is moving and a writing field if the vehicle is parked.

WhatsApp calls in the car and listening to voice notes

The messaging app made it easier to use in the car with the launch of calls in Android Auto in addition to allowing audio playback. These were two of the main shortcomings that WhatsApp had in the car.

Android Auto opened the door to home automation

Google expanded the compatibility of apps for Android Auto by introducing support for those intended to control connected objects. Now what is missing is for developers to introduce the option in their products; as is already the case with Samsung SmartThings.

What will 2024 bring for Android Auto?

Android Auto Car Cover

We do not predict a huge list of changes, in line with what was happening as the year passed away. It seems that Google has relaxed the level of Android Auto updates, They are not as followed as they were before; which will result in changes visible to the user.

As anticipated, according to leaks and based on our own experience, these are some of the stops for the race that Android Auto is going to hold in 2024.

Android Auto will stop working old Android phones

It will be one of the main changes for 2024: Google will withdraw support for all Android versions lower than 8.0 Oreo.

Videoconferencing will come to the car

Android Auto

Google announced them at the time and we will surely see them during 2024: both Zoom and WebEX will be compatible with Android Auto so that we will not have excuses to miss a meeting even when we are driving. Good.

Custom wallpapers

It is a function that Google has anticipated and that has only arrived halfway: although it is possible to change the background of Android Auto, you still cannot choose any image from the car; or select a different wallpaper than the one the phone has. Let’s hope Google completes the customization during 2024.

Artificial intelligence to talk with the car

Google Assistant doesn’t do a bad job when it comes to finding contacts to call or reading messages, but a more proactive and natural assistant is missing. And Google is sure to bring Gemini and its Artificial Intelligence to Android Auto: 2024 could be the year in which we converse with the car as well as with the passenger. Something that goes beyond the summary of those messages received while driving.

Image | DALL-E 3 edited

In Apps ProBox | Android Auto from scratch: how to configure it step by step in your car

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Mubashir Hassan
Expert in tech and gaming, blending industry insights with expertise