What is the fastboot mode of an Android mobile, what is it for and how to enter it

what is the fastboot mode of an android mobile, what

Our Android mobiles have many modes. We have the safe mode, the recovery mode, the download mode and also the fastboot mode. Of course, in Android everything has to be complicated, so some mobiles have fastboot mode and others do not.

we tell you What is Android’s fastboot mode and what is it for?as well as the methods to enter the fastboot mode of the mobile, in case you are curious or need it for some goings-on that you have in your hands.

What is fastboot mode


Fastboot mode on an old Xiaomi mobile

Nowadays, what is carried out is to update the mobile comfortably through an OTA or with the help of easy-to-use tools such as Android Flash Tool, but when this does not work, we always have to resort to the technology of a lifetime: flash the mobile or simply fix it after some major problem has occurred.

Fastboot is both a mobile communication protocol and the name of the tool used to connect using said protocol. As a tool, we will find it in the folder of platform-tools from the Android Studio SDK. You don’t need to download the whole Android Studio, you can also download the fastboot (and ADB) binary separately for Windows, Mac and Linux.


And what can you do with fastboot? In addition to flashing Android updates manually (although Google at least provides us with a BAT file that does it by itself, to save us from having to type), a look at the results after running fastboot -help shows us its possibilities.

With fastboot you can create, delete and resize partitions, flash, wipe data partition, change the active partition and unlock the bootloader (if possible). These are advanced options that the vast majority of Android users will never need to use, unless they are installing custom ROMs or other advanced modifications.

How to enter Android fastboot mode


Fastboot, like almost everything in Android, is hit or miss. On a OnePlus, for example, before fastboot you go through fastbootd. In other mobiles there is no mode

So how do I get into fastboot mode on an Android mobile? The answer, as usual in Android, is not simple. A classic and simple way to do it is to turn off the mobile completely and then turn it on while holding down two buttons. The problem is that the buttons change from one mobile to another: in some it is the volume down button and the power button; in others, volume up and power on.

Is there a way something more universal reboot in fastboot mode: with ADB. To do this you must connect to your mobile with ADB and then execute the command adb reboot bootloader. If everything went well, the mobile will reboot in fastboot mode.


Of course, we haven’t even agreed on that on Android. Some mobiles do not have fastboot mode, but something similar that sometimes goes by another name (such as Samsung’s download mode). Other mobiles, like OnePlus, have a mode fastbootd first which you can access with adb reboot fastbootfrom which you can access Android’s “real” fastboot mode.

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Brian Adam
Professional Blogger, V logger, traveler and explorer of new horizons.