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As a starting guide to House of the Dragonthis section focuses on the dance of dragons, the biggest civil war that the Targaryen dynasty suffered in its entire history and the most important issues of this famous conflict on which the series will be based. This represents a complex period that needs to be explained if you have no background knowledge or haven’t seen game of Thrones. What is the Dance of the Dragons? Who participated in it? Y Why did the war break out? Here you will find the answers you need to be able to watch the series without any loss.

What is the dance of the dragons?

The Dance of the Dragons was a war of succession between two half-brothers who coveted the throne of their father, King Viserys I Targaryens. On one side I would be Rhaenyra, daughter of the monarch, whom he had with his first wife. And on the other side is Aegon II, the eldest son of the monarch with his second wife. The fights would last from the year 129 AD to 131 after the conquest. However, to explain how a conflict of such magnitude could have been, we must go back several decades before the fights between horsemen and dragons, swords and spears, and finally, between blood and fire began.

It all started with Aegon I, who was crowned as the first king of the seven kingdoms in the year I after the conquest. Upon his death, the throne passed to his son. Aenys I (37 AD) and at his death, his half brother Maegor I would gain power (42 AD). However, after Maegor I’s sudden death, power would pass to one of Aenys I’s sons, named JaehaerysI (48 AD), which would later be known as the conciliatorthe best king ever.

Poster of King Viserys in “House of the Dragon”. (HBOMax)

Emphasizing the true dynastic problems, these would come during the reign of the old king Jaehaerys I in the year 92 after the conquest, where a misfortune would devastate the Targaryen house, since the king had to lose one of his sons, Aemon Targaryens. This would cause the perfect chaos for the greatest civil war between the Targaryens to begin: the dance of the dragons.

Matt Smith as Daemon Targaryen in "House of the Dragon."  (HBOMax)
Matt Smith as Daemon Targaryen in “House of the Dragon.” (HBOMax)

After a while, we now focus on three of the sons of Jaehaerys I. First would be the late Aemon Targaryen, who had a daughter named rhaenys. On the other hand would be Aemon’s younger named Baelonwho married his sister and from whose union the renowned Viserys I and Daemon Targaryens. From there the big problem arose, since it would have to be decided who would be appointed as the new king or princess of Dragonstone, who would be the heir to the Iron Throne. Therefore, the choice focused on two people: rhaenys and her uncle, the prince Veillon. In the end, Veillon was appointed as his successor, bypassing Princess Rhaenys, just because she was a woman. With this, the Salic law or agnatic succession is known for the first time, the one by which women do not have permission to succeed the crown, nor to transmit the rights of succession to their descendants.

It was the above that began to originate those winds that decades later would germinate in the cruelest storm, called the Dance of the Dragons.

  Princess Rhaenyra Targaryen, played by Australian Milly Alcock.  (HBOMax)
Princess Rhaenyra Targaryen, played by Australian Milly Alcock. (HBOMax)

Who participated?

In this there were two sides, of course opponents, the greens and the blacks. At this time, the newly crowned King Viserys I had three children with his first wife, but only one of them survived to adulthood, Princess Rhaenira Targaryen, who was raised by the king to be his heir. However, Viserys I entered into a dispute with his brother Demon to see who would be the heir, which led to Rhaenyra being presented in the year 105 AC as princess of Dragonstone, and therefore, heir to the Iron Throne, setting a precedent never seen before in history.

However, nothing happened as it should, as a strong rivalry was created between Rhaenyra and the king’s new wife, which led to the formation of the two sides. The greens were those who were in favor of the new wife of Viserys I and the blacks, those who would support Rhaenyra.

Emma D'Aracy is Princess Rhaenyra Targaryen as an adult.  (HBOMax)
Emma D’Aracy is Princess Rhaenyra Targaryen as an adult. (HBOMax)

Finally, the question is, why did the conflict break out? It was all because after so many antagonistic events between the family, betrayals and more, including the death of Viserys I, one of the king’s sons with his new wife named Aegon II and not Rhaenyra, as the monarch commanded. This, based on three arguments.

The first, that if Rhaenyra came to the throne, the one who would be ruling would really be her husband Prince Daemon Targaryen, alluding to the fact that he would end the life of the queen and that of her children. The second would be because the Iron Throne is not inherited, it is conquered; either by force of arms or cunning. And the right of conquest is greater than any other. And the third is the question of the succession that had occurred, since there were no precedents where a woman had been elected queen over a male heir. And that’s something that Rhaenyra Targaryens I wasn’t willing to allow it.


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Brian Adam
Professional Blogger, V logger, traveler and explorer of new horizons.