Apple Vision Pro: headset will have Disney Plus content with movies and sports in VR

Apple Vision Pro: headset will have Disney Plus content with movies and sports in VR
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The Apple Vision Pro is already one of the most relevant products in the company’s history, being its first bet for the metaverse. During the presentation of the mixed reality headset at WWDC 2023, Bob Iger, CEO of Disney, revealed on Monday (05) some of the experiences that will be available for the accessory through Disney Plus.

Tim Cook, Apple’s CEO, invited Disney’s chief executive to comment on the new possibilities for the streaming platform on the headset, which is scheduled to launch in early 2024. Iger says the service will offer unprecedented experiences on the Vision Pro — including movies, series, sports and other content in virtual reality.

Bob Iger advanced Disney Plus experiences to Vision Pro (Image: Screenshot/Apple)

One of the demonstrations presented is an episode of The Mandalorian which appears to be set on Tatooine, a fictional planet from the Star Wars franchise. In the presentation, the user is taken to an immersive environment that should benefit from the high resolution of the Vision Pro, which promises to simulate two 4K screens (one for each eye).

Then, the demo video presented at the conference showed multiple screens from ESPN, a television channel focused on broadcasting sports. The material showed American football and basketball matches from different angles with additional elements on the screen, such as scores and statistics in the form of widgets. Check out:

In addition to film productions and sports, the promotional video also suggests that the Disney Plus will add interactive virtual reality experiences that can be accessed by Apple Vision Pro users, such as “traveling through a National Geographic adventure from the comfort of your sofa”, as evidenced in the material.

Disney Plus will be available at the launch of the Apple Vision Pro. The headset will start to be sold in early 2024 with suggested prices starting at US$ 3,499, that is, around R$ 17,000 in the current conversion and excluding taxes.

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