There will be one more version of the Xiaomi Mi Band 7, and you will love its news

There will be one more version of the Xiaomi Mi Band 7, and you will love its news
there will be one more version of the xiaomi mi

Some were not particularly happy with the new features that have been included in the Xiaomi MiBand 7, a smart bracelet that was presented not long ago. It is not a disappointing accessory, far from it, but something more was expected from the Asian company to compete in a segment where there are currently many manufacturers launching quality products. But, it seems, the firm has an ace up its sleeve that can change things.

This is none other than the surprise launch of a Pro variant, which would be what the fans of the Asian giant really expected. In addition, if we pay attention to the source of the information, its arrival on the market would not be far from taking place because it would be part of another long-awaited presentation: that of the Xiaomi 12 Ultra phone. That is We are talking about the month of July in China -and, possibly, August in Spain-. Therefore, everything would be prepared while waiting for the step of making this wearable public.

What would be different about the Xiaomi Mi Band 7 Pro

Well two would be the sections that would be especially improved: the one that has to do with autonomy and, in addition, the acquisition of the data of the physical exercise that is carried out throughout the day would be optimized. That is, of the basics in a smart bracelet.


On the one hand, the battery would increase its amperage to 250 mAh, for the 180 of the version that has been presented recently. It is true that the weight will increase a bit, but it is more than justifiable because it should not be forgotten that the screen has increased to 1.62 inches (and, by extension, its consumption). Therefore, it could be reached up to 20 days of usean increase that would be wonderfully received by users.

In addition, the Xiaomi Mi Band Pro would have something that would make this model the one chosen by many: it will integrate gps. This inclusion is something that had been speculated for a long time for this product range, and now would be the chosen moment. With this item you could get a excellent accuracy of the exercise being done without the need to be combined with the phone, which would give users fantastic freedom when doing sports. A differential value, no doubt.

Question of price, which is vital

Well, it is logical to think that what would have to be paid for this smartband will be more than what we can call the regular version. Ideally, they should not have a price higher than 55 euros. If this is so, sales can be spectacular and, again, the rivals of Huawei and Amazfit that it has in the market would have a hard time competing with the Xiaomi Mi Band 7 Pro.


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Brian Adam
Professional Blogger, V logger, traveler and explorer of new horizons.