Google Messages prepares new design for audio recording in the app

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In addition to gaining new indicators for sent and received messages, Google Messages is testing a major change to its voice recording interface.

The news was discovered by the people of 9to5Google after an analysis of the application’s APK. Currently, when you record a voice message, you need to hold the microphone icon, and swiping to the left cancels the recording.

With the change, the microphone icon will be replaced with a circular icon that looks like voice waves. The change should make it easier to differentiate the Gboard keyboard microphone icon.

Image/Reproduction: 9to5Google.

When you tap on the new icon, Google Messages will start recording, while a waveform indicator will start appearing at the bottom along with the recording time.

One nice change is that now you no longer have to hold the record icon.

The user can still stop recording by touching an expanded icon at the bottom, and it is also possible to restart the recording or click on “done” to be able to listen and send the audio.

The new interface already follows the new Material You color pattern, and the animations are considered elegant. For now, the novelty is still in testing and is not expected to be released in the public version of Google Messages.

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