Free up space: Google launches feature to “archive” data from Play Store apps on Android

Free up space: Google launches feature to

Google is making available a new feature that promises to help users save space in the storage of their cell phones and tablets. The tool will allow you to “archive” data from an application installed on the device, so that it can be partially uninstalled without harming the user experience.

The feature will let you uninstall an app via the Play Store, but instead of completely removing it, the device will store local data so they can resume use without having to log in again in case they want to reinstall the app in the future. According to users, the function was released last Thursday (24).

(Image: Playback)

When updating to Play Store version 33.4, the app store will display an “Archive” option as an alternative to “Uninstall”. An estimate of the space that will be freed by archiving an app will be displayed when pressing the button. The following message is displayed:

When archiving your apps, Play Store will delete the apps while keeping your data and documents. When you need the app back, just tap the app icon to download it again.

The app’s icon will remain visible on the device’s home screen with a small “cloud” at the top, indicating that it’s archived in the Play Store. By tapping the icon, the user is redirected to the app store to reinstall the archived title data. Once the process is complete, all information will be quickly restored.

“One of the main reasons users uninstall apps is to free up space,” said Lidia Gaymond and Vicki Amin, product managers at Google Play. “To avoid unnecessary uninstalls and help users get more out of their devices, we have started work on this new feature.”

According to the executives, the function can free up to 60% of the space occupied by applications🇧🇷 This feature is especially beneficial for users of basic and intermediate cell phones that do not have large storage capacities.

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(updated Nov 28, 2022, 7:06 PM)
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