Why do you see numbers you don’t know on WhatsApp and how you can delete them

why do you see numbers you don't know on whatsapp and how you can delete them
why do you see numbers you don't know on whatsapp and how you can delete them

There are times when WhatsApp may show unknown phone numbers in the contacts library, but they can be deleted.

WhatsApp is the most used communication application in Spain, according to Statista data, and it is not surprising that it is the preferred method of so many people to communicate with their mobile phone. It works well, is fast and has a multitude of options for multimedia content.

The application can be used to send photos , voice notes and even high definition videos to our contacts. However, there may be times when numbers appear in the application that we can write to and that are not our contacts  nor do we know the reason why they appear there.

This is something that is far from frequent, but it can occur when certain situations occur, such as when changing mobile phone, number or even Google account . In fact, it’s something that can also happen on Telegram and other messaging apps, but it’s pretty easy to fix.

How to avoid strange numbers

The WhatsApp contact book takes the phone numbers, names and other information from the device’s contacts app , so whatever is causing these numbers to appear will surely have to do with the accounts registered on the device.

Each Google account or account from another provider such as Hotmail that is stored on the mobile phone may contain the option to also synchronize other aspects such as the calendar or contacts . This may cause WhatsApp to also recognize these contacts and use them for the application’s contact book.

It is possible that there is an account on the device that has saved contacts that are not yours and that do not need to be synchronized. On the one hand, it is possible to delete each and every one of them from the phone application, but it is also possible to go to Settings, to the Accounts section, and once there select the account that has said contacts and uncheck the option to synchronize this section.

After doing this, just return to the instant messaging application, click on the button to start a conversation and there click on the three-dot menu to open the options. In this section an option will appear to update this list, and once the previous step is done, with this we will be able to keep only the people whose numbers we do want to keep. This does not prevent another person who has our number without us knowing it from starting a conversation.


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