WhatsApp Business API announces new pricing for bulk messaging

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WhatsApp has announced that it will make adjustments to the Business API bulk messaging charge. They are used by companies to communicate with their customers and consumers. Platform data from We Are Social and Meltwater indicate that 93.4% of people with internet access use the app.

The change started this Thursday (1st). The values ​​will be divided according to four categories of messages:

  1. Marketing Messages: from $0.05 to $0.06;
  2. Post-Sale Messages: from $0.05 to $0.03;
  3. Authentication: from $0.05 to $0.03;
  4. Fulfillment messages: remain at the same value of $0.03.

Previously, messages on the WhatsApp API were rated according to who started the conversation: the contact or the company. That is, when the customer sent the first message, the company had a cost of US$ 0.03 to answer it. When the company sent the first message, to notify of a promotion, for example, the cost was US$ 0.05.

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