TikTok enters the crosshairs of the Canadian government and will be investigated in the country

TikTok enters the crosshairs of the Canadian government and will be investigated in the country
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Canada’s federal privacy regulator is launching an investigation against TikTok. According to a statement released this Friday (24), authorities have been concerned about the collection, use and disclosure of information within the Chinese platform.

Therefore, the privacy body must review whether TikTok’s practices comply with Canadian privacy laws.

Let’s examine whether valid and meaningful consent is being obtained for this collection, use and disclosure of personal information.

Image/reproduction: colectivoTC.

Commenting on the matter, the spokesman for TikTok said that the social network is concerned with the privacy and security of users.

Privacy is always a priority. This investigation is an opportunity to set the record straight about how the company protects Canadians’ privacy.

It should be remembered that other countries have also acted to investigate TikTok. An example of this is that the United States has already banned the use of the application on cell phones used by government officials, something that has also been followed by the European Union.

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