This is the new generative function of the Snapchat chatbot for its paying subscribers

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My AI, Snapchat’s generative Artificial Intelligence (AI) chatbot, now has a new feature aimed at subscribers of this platform, Snapchat+, through which they can send their own “snaps” of what they are doing anywhere. moment and receive in return generative snaps that are related to the content sent “to continue the conversation”

As an example, the company points out that users can send an image with their latest grocery shopping list so that the chatbot can recommend preparing a recipe with the ingredients on that list.

The growth of My AI capabilities

Without a doubt, it is one more addition to the many that Snapchat’s generative AI chatbot already has.

In this sense, Snapchat has been allowing the chatbot to be added to groups to make use of it when necessary, so that both individually and collectively, users have been able to request recommendations and suggestions of all kinds based on the images offered.

Snap says Snapchat users have been using My AI all this time “as a creativity tool to learn more about the world and ask about movies, sports, video games or even what to wear to prom.”

With a focus on entertainment without more

The function that officially arrives today was announced last month as part of the Snap Partner Summit and is focused solely on the mere entertainment of users, without in many cases having a practical function, although It will be necessary to see how easily you can handle the shopping list.

Security and privacy implications

Snapt further points out that the messages sent to the chatbot are stored for the purpose of improvement, although it can also make mistakes despite the fact that the chatbot has been designed “to avoid biased, incorrect, harmful or misleading information.”

As with other chatbots, users will have to be careful when establishing their demands, avoiding providing sensitive information that the chatbot could take into account irreversibly.

And even those parents of minors will have to watch out so that the chatbot cannot offer inappropriate images to their minors, also taking into account that, despite the fact that the chatbot was launched worldwide last April, the network platform Social networks do not yet have mechanisms to establish limitations and other control options within the Family Center parental control platform.

The arrival of this function is not just one more addition to its many possibilities, which will also improve over time through interactions with users.

More information: snap

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Brian Adam
Professional Blogger, V logger, traveler and explorer of new horizons.