The Opera browser is updated on Android by integrating its own AI


Opera is not only improving its dynamics in its desktop version with the integration of its AI, but it is also following the same line in its Android app.

Yes, the AI ​​based on Opera’s Composer AI engine is available to use from our Android mobile. We tell you the details.

Opera comes with its integrated AI to Android

In a previous article we told you about Opera One. The latest version of the browser that comes with its own integrated AI, beyond having direct access to use ChatGPT from the literal bar.

A dynamic that we can now also find in the Opera app for Android. Yes Aria, Opera’s new browser AI is available on mobile.

As you see in the image above, the AI ​​will be available on the home page of the browser. And to use it, the only requirement will be that you log in with your Opera account. So if you are using the browser in guest mode, you will not be able to use the AI ​​features.

How to use Opera’s AI on mobile

Once you create an account in Opera, or log in if you already have an existing one, you can ask any question:

Whether you’re searching for information, generating text or code, or searching for answers to product queries, Aria acts as your web and browser expert, collaborating with AI to deliver smart insights and fresh ideas.

The dynamic for using this AI is simple, as it follows the same dynamic that you use for ChatGPT. Just write a request, and Aria will automatically reply to you in the same section. You will see that it can give you results in real time, since it is connected to the internet.

If you already have Opera installed on your Android phone, and you still don’t see this integration with Aria, don’t worry. You may not have received the latest Opera update yet, and it is pending to install on Google Play.

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Brian Adam
Professional Blogger, V logger, traveler and explorer of new horizons.