Apple keeps emphasizing the importance of app reviews. But a security researcher shows that Apple’s security network is by no means seamless. A security researcher...
If your mobile has a compass, it may have stopped working correctly. In the event that this occurs, it is essential to calibrate it: in this...
Limit apps on iPhone. (photo: ActualApp) The iPhone It has become a very useful tool for everyday life, but it can also become the most distracting....
Twitter advanced search. (photo: Crandi Academy) Twitter is a microblogging network that has existed for several years among users, both in Android, iOS Y pc. For...
React with an avatar in an Instagram Story. (photo: The Net Net) when you see one History of Instagram, the user can react for a long...
How to send messages backwards On the internet there are endless tricks to get the most out of the applications and functions of the cell phone...
Far from trying to simplify an overwhelming catalog for the consumer, Little bit fills the most classic mid-range with new smartphones with which to find the...
Copy on Windows, paste on Android. Copy on Android, paste on Windows. Something so basic -and useful- is not possible today without third-party applications. Yes, you...
Netflix It has the honor of being the on-demand content platform with the largest number of subscribers. It is true that this service is not going...
Most of the electrical devices that we have at home we only connect them to the current when we are going to use them, except in...