SwiftKey for iOS returns after announcing that it would disappear


In early October, Microsoft announced that the company was ceasing to support one of the most widely used keyboards, not only on iOS. A different keyboard was leaving that delighted many users for its simplicity, but also for its ability to customize. The fact is that it seems that he did not leave for a long time, because the company has just announce his triumphant return.

Microsoft rescues SwiftKey for iOS thanks to its customers

SwiftKey for iOS has been and is one of the favorite keyboards for users and I refer to the tests. At the beginning of last month, the American company decided to remove the application for this keyboard from the App Store. But now, a month and a half later, its return to the app store is announced.

There aren’t too many third-party options for iPhones. SwiftKey was one of the best, hands down. That is why the announcement to withdraw it from the store seems to have not gone down well with his followers. To their congratulations, we have to say that it seems that they have reconsidered and this wonderful keyboard is launched again.

Caitlin Roulston, a Microsoft spokeswoman, commented in an interview with the specialized media The Verge, that thanks to user feedback asking and requesting that the keyboard not be removed from the app store, the decision has been made to restore the application.

We have to take into account that right now the existing version has not been updated for at least a month and a half, but it is also true that the announcement of its return has also been accompanied by the announcement of an early update that gives you a series of advantages and new functions.

In the statement, users are requested to be attentive to these possible news and that is what we will do. We will be attentive to see what updates come to this keyboard that was one of the first to join iOS almost from the moment that Apple opened that door.

Any news that arises on this subject, we will discuss it here and when the final version is released, it will be necessary to count the novelties implemented.