Rumor: Apple plans to improve iPhone battery

rumor apple plans to improve iphone battery
rumor apple plans to improve iphone battery

Apple plans to improve battery life in its future iPhones . At least, that’s what renowned analyst Ming-Chi Kuo points out, who has a history of providing accurate information about the company’s plans.

iPhone battery should improve, but…

  • Apple plans to improve battery life in its future iPhone models, according to renowned analyst Ming-Chi Kuo. The company will increase the energy density of the batteries, which would enable longer life or a smaller battery (with equal autonomy);
  • Apple would replace the aluminum battery case with a stainless steel one, which, despite being less efficient at dissipating heat, offers greater robustness and resistance to corrosion. This would increase the durability of iPhones;
  • Switching to stainless steel would also make removing the battery easier. Additionally, it would help Apple comply with future European Union regulatory requirements related to battery replacement in mobile devices;
  • However, the battery improvements would initially only be applied to the iPhone 16 Pro Max, scheduled to be launched in 2024. Apple would then extend these improvements to all iPhone models from 2025 onwards, following its strategy of introducing new features first to the models. more expensive.

Kuo reported, in a post on Medium , that future iPhone models will have batteries with greater energy density, enabling Apple to maintain current battery life with a smaller package or increase battery life without changing its dimensions.

What should improve in the batteries of future iPhones

Furthermore, Kuo revealed that Apple intends to replace the aluminum battery case currently used in its devices with a stainless steel one.

Although stainless steel is not as efficient at dissipating heat as aluminum, it offers greater strength and resistance to corrosion, which could increase the durability of future iPhones.

This change also has regulatory implications. Kuo suggests that this change will make battery removal easier, helping Apple meet future European Union regulatory requirements related to replacing batteries in mobile devices.

The ‘however’ in improving the iPhone’s battery

However, the updates mentioned by Kuo will initially only apply to the iPhone 16 Pro Max, which is expected to launch in 2024.

With the expected increase in the size of the iPhone 16 Pro Max to 6.9 inches, compared to the previous 6.7-inch model, Apple will have more internal space to accommodate these new components, even if it chooses to reduce the battery size.

The analyst indicates that, after a period of testing and production evaluation, Apple plans to extend these improvements to all iPhone models from 2025 onwards.

This means that consumers who do not opt ​​for the Pro Max model will have to wait another year to take advantage of these technological advances.

This gradual implementation strategy is not new for Apple, which often introduces new features first to its most expensive models to justify the high prices.

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