New Outlook app in Windows 11 allows integration with other email services

New Outlook app in Windows 11 allows integration with other email services
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The Outlook application comes with new changes regarding its look, performance and functionality. The new version of the app has been under discussion since 2021 and since then, there have been leaks and other information released about Microsoft’s email client.

In fact, those with accounts in the educational model or members of Microsoft 365/365 business could already use the new application update, which is now PWA-type and has a greater focus on optimized performance, which ends up being an interesting solution for users with devices of a lower segment.

This could be done since May of this year for this portion of people, however, now personal accounts can already have access to the new look of the Microsoft platform. Still, it’s not something available to everyone, as availability had started a while ago for a more limited group and now it’s expanded so more people have the opportunity to try it out.

For those who have an email account on more than one service, the novelty is that they can use all services in a single application. That is, if you use Yahoo or Gmail clients, you will have no problems and will be able to integrate the inboxes of the services you use.

The appearance, as you may already know, resembles the web version of Outlook. In addition, another novelty is that it will be possible to make attachments just by mentioning the file name with a mention. However, this feature is only valid for items that are in your cloud folder.

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