Multicultural: Twitter will translate and recommend “epic tweets” in other languages

Multicultural: Twitter will translate and recommend

Twitter wants to become a place where people of all nationalities connect. For this, Elon Musk announced today that the social network will recommend and translate “incredible tweets” from people of other nationalities. The news will arrive on the social network in the coming months.

The Twitter CEO stated that the idea is to promote creators around the world, connecting people who speak different languages. In one of the examples, Musk cited Japanese users, who will have tweets translated into other languages ​​when the social network identifies relevant content.

The novelty will not be restricted to a specific language, so we hope that it will also arrive in Europe.

This novelty may have a strong relationship with long tweets, which are already in the social network’s plans and will allow users to include more content in just one publication.

Other news already announced for Twitter still include support for video chat, saving tweets as favorites on iOS, while Android users received new options for Feeds on the application’s home screen.

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