Meta wants to allow users to download apps through Facebook

Meta wants to allow users to download apps through Facebook
1688142599 meta wants to allow users to download apps through facebook.jpeg

A Goal would be planning to allow people in the European Union (EU) to download apps directly through ads on Facebookpreparing the company to eventually compete with the app stores in the Google and the apple.

According to information disclosed by The Verge website, the Meta project should start still this year with a pilot aimed at app developers android. The company sees an opening to try this thanks to a new EU regulation.

Called the Digital Markets Law (DMA), the new regulation should come into force in the coming months and require what Apple and Google open up your mobile platforms to alternative app download methods after several accusations of monopoly.

The company wants to start its test on Android first and then move to Apple’s App Store. The plan is for the ads to allow Facebook users to download apps directly from the platform, rather than connecting to the Google Play Store.

Meta’s pitch for developers participating in the pilot is that by hosting their Android apps and allowing Facebook users to download them directly through their platform, conversion rates will be higher for their ads.

A spokesperson for Meta confirmed to the The Verge the company’s interest in the initiative. Google did not respond to a request for comment. It is worth mentioning that The Microsoft has also shown interest in having its own store of games for Android and iOS in Europe.

And you, do you find this initiative by Meta interesting? Let us know in the comments down below!

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