Apple gives in with USB type C in the iPhone, but does not like the idea very much

Apple gives in with USB type C in the iPhone, but does not like the idea very much

Apple gives in with USB type C in the iPhone, but does not like the idea very much

At the beginning of this month of October 2022, the EU took the definitive step so that chargers usb type c became universal in Europe. And this has collateral effects for many companies, for example Manzana. Those from Cupertino have been slow to give their arm to twist with the iPhone, but this has happened and, therefore, it is more than clear that the change in connection technology is a reality.

To date, Apple iPhones used Lightning, a proprietary standard that has brought great joy to the North American firm. But, as happens in many sections with it, we are talking about a closed standard that the rest of the manufacturers cannot use and, this, is something that the EU does not like at all -as with companies- and it decided to unify everything it has to do with the charging ports. And the chosen option is USB type C. Therefore, whoever wants to sell equipment in Europe already knows what he has to do…

Apple gives in, yes… but shows its discontent

To date there was no official statement from Apple regarding the change that many analysts took for granted, and the truth is that they have not failed this time. Thus, in an interview to Craig Federighi and Greg Joswiak -senior executives of the Cupertino company- they have indicated that they do not there is another to comply with European regulations. Therefore, as with the iPad and MacBook, the arrival of USB type C to the iPhone is something simple and unstoppable.

Rear of an Apple iPhone lying on its side

Of course, they have not missed the opportunity to show their discontent at having to make the change, since for them Lightning is an option that remains completely valid and has benefits for them such as load stability or being more respectful of the environment (in the latter no specific data has been given to certify it, yes). The case is that for If it were up to Apple, he would go his own way. because they do not want to take risks in case the new connection interface does not succeed and ends up being a disaster like microUSB. But, this is something that does not seem to have options to happen, everything must be said.

What will be the first iPhone with USB type C?

Faced with this question, they have not clarified when will they take the step to put the first of their smartphones on the market with the aforementioned connection interface -which shows the discomfort with the decision adopted by the EU-, but everything indicates that it will be the iPhone 15 when Apple will show this change and, Much to his regret, it will use the same connection port as the rest of the manufacturers. And it is that not being different, the company directed by Tim Cook is not going at all.


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Brian Adam
Professional Blogger, V logger, traveler and explorer of new horizons.