iPhone 14 Pro: this will be your new active screen… Is it what was expected?

iPhone 14 Pro: this will be your new active screen... Is it what was expected?
iphone 14 pro: this will be your new active screen...

iPhone 14 Pro: this will be your new active screen... Is it what was expected?

Waiting for the new range of Apple smartphones to become a reality in September, little by little the different novelties that are expected in it are being unraveled. An example is that the new iPhone 14 They will have an always-on screen (Always-On) that will differentiate them from their predecessors.

This addition is expected to be part of the phones of the Cupertino company for a long time, and it seems that it will be in this new generation when it becomes a reality. However, as noted in the source of information which we are talking about, not all the models that will be announced in a month or so will include this possibility. It will be something exclusive to the variants Pro.

What will the always-on screen of the iPhone be like?

In what has to do with the operation, there will be no big differences with what has existed for a long time in Android models. That is, it will come into operation -if the user configures it-, when the terminal is activated if the screen is turned off… but as long as it is not unlocked. In this way, the aim is to obtain a energy saving because different information can be reviewed without fully accessing the terminal.

New always active screen of the iPhone 14
Xcode 14

As you can see in the image that we have left before this paragraph, some of the options that will appear on the screen of the two Pro versions of the new iPhone will be the date and time; icons that will represent different active functions; and, also, if you have pending notifications. Furthermore, although this cannot be appreciated, everything suggests that it will be possible to manage the operation of some applications, such as the music player. That is, nothing shocking but useful.

What about widgets?

Well, if the arrival of the screen on the iPhone 14 is confirmed, the developers will have to modify the operation of some of them. These take up a lot of space on the terminal’s lock screen and, therefore, they could step on the information of the new option that the terminals will have. As a result, an adaptation period will be needed -and even some companies could make this use option that exists in widgets disappear-.

We will have to wait specifically for the new iPhone 14 to be announced in September of this year 2022, but the screen on is a excellent added -which in models with Android is already absolutely essential-. In addition, its usage options can be very high, including everything that has to do with photos and videos. Therefore, and knowing Apple, surely it will give us some surprise. We will see.


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Brian Adam
Professional Blogger, V logger, traveler and explorer of new horizons.