iPhone 14 brings same body with battery and slightly better cameras | Analysis / Review

 iPhone 14 brings same body with battery and slightly better cameras |  Analysis / Review
iphone 14 brings same body with battery and slightly better.jpeg

The iPhone 14 is Apple’s latest “low cost” phone. If you’re interested in the new line, then this is the cheapest one to buy, but is it worth the R$7,600 at launch?

It arrives with the same design as before and even most of its specs are the same. If you’re getting tired of the beat-up look of the iPhone, then you’ll have to invest more in the Pro line that features the new notch called Dynamic Island.

What marks a new generation in Apple’s cell phone line, is that the iPhone 14 is the first launched in the US without a SIM card slot. Here in Europe we still have the traditional entry for chips, but it is only possible to have two lines via eSIM.

The screen and sound are the same as the previous model. Not that this is a bad thing, since the iPhone does well in the multimedia part. The hardware hasn’t undergone major changes either and we have the A15 Bionic chip from before, but now with 6GB of RAM. In our speed test and benchmarks we saw no difference compared to the predecessor.

The battery hasn’t changed much. However, the software is more in tune and makes the autonomy last a few hours longer. On the other hand, charging support remains limited and even if you use a powerful charger you will still have to wait more than 1.5 hours to get the battery full.

The iPhone 14 carries two 12 MP cameras on the back, one of which has an ultra-wide lens. The sensor was inherited from the iPhone 13 Pro and captures slightly sharper images, especially at night. The front now has autofocus and continues to do very well in selfies.

Overall, the iPhone 14 brings minor improvements and makes your purchase complicated when the iPhone 13 is found much cheaper. To check out all the details of our analysis, just access the link below:

Full Review of Apple iPhone 14

The iPhone 14 arrives in Europe in October 2022 at prices starting from BRL 7,599 to the 128 GB version and goes from BRL 10 thousand in the most complete with 512 GB of storage. Below you will find offers when available:

The Apple iPhone 14 is not yet available in Europeian stores. To be notified when it arrives click here.

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