Income Tax 2023: find out how to consult the 2nd batch of the refund

Income Tax 2023: find out how to consult the 2nd batch of the refund
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The Federal Revenue opened consultation for the 2nd batch of Income Tax 2023 refunds this Friday (23). To find out if you are one of the beneficiaries, just access the official website and enter the “My Income Tax” section and click on “Consult the Refund”. In e-CAC it is possible to obtain a simplified or detailed consultation of the declaration.

Payments will begin to be made next Friday (30). According to the agency, 5.1 million taxpayers will be covered with a credit totaling R$ 7.5 billion in payments. Priority is given to elderly taxpayers, with physical disabilities, with a source of income mostly from the teaching profession and those who opted for the pre-filled statement or refund via Pix.

The Federal Revenue provided for five batches of payments:

  • 1st batch: May 31
  • 2nd batch: June 30th
  • 3rd batch: July 31st
  • 4th batch: August 31st
  • 5th batch: September 29

The consultation is also important to check pending issues in the declaration and know if the name did not fall into the fine mesh. In these cases, the refund will only be made if all data are adjusted or if the taxpayer is able to prove the validity of what was presented.

It is also possible to follow the situation in the official application launched by the Federal Revenue.

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